In this meeting between artists and experts, discover or learn more about self-transformation as the first step toward transforming the world.
Engaging in self-transformation would undoubtedly be the first step towards better or less transforming the world. How, by experimenting with artistic practices of somatic, psychological, sensory and spiritual reconnection, are the artists and thinkers of the 21st century inventing a new art of trance capable of guiding us towards a world of many worlds?
A talk with Fabrice Cazenave, Lélia Demoisy, Marina Pirot and Dominique Leroy (collective (n)), artists nominated for the Coal Prize 2024, in dialogue with Jean Louis Tornatore, anthropologist and author of ‘Pas de transition sans transe : essai d’écologie politique des savoirs’ ( ’No transition without trance: an essay in the political ecology of knowledge’ ), Éditions Dehors, 2023.
Moderator: Anne Lise Carlo, journalist and filmmaker specialising in environmental issues.
This conference took place during the afternoon of meetings hosted by Anne-Lise Carlo – journalist and film-maker specialising in the environment – at the second edition of SANS RÉSERVE organised by COAL within the framework of Transformative Territories, on November 20, 2024 at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature.