In this meeting, between artists and experts, discover or learn more about how art can amplify our collective sensitivity and our imagination in our relations with other animal species.
In a world where the balance and conditions of animal life – whether wild or domestic – have been radically transformed and deteriorated, how can ethology help us to re-establish peaceful and empathetic relationships with other species? By recounting artistic experiences, this meeting explores how art can amplify our collective sensitivity and our imagination in our relations with other animal species, to help us find ways of living together in peace, ethically and with respect for all beings.
A talk with Sacha Rey – nominated artists -, Nuno da Luz – laureate of the Transformative Territories Mention at the COAL Prize 2024 -, Antoine Behaghel – winner of the COAL 2024 Student Prize – and Lisa Garnier, author of ‘Psychologie positive et écologie, Enquête sur notre relation émotionnelle à la nature’ ( ‘Positive psychology and ecology, Investigating our emotional relationship with nature’), éd. Actes Sud, 2019.
Moderator : Thomas Delage, Head of the Mobilising Citizens for Biodiversity Department at the French Office for Biodiversity.
This conference took place during the afternoon of meetings hosted by Anne-Lise Carlo – journalist and film-maker specialising in the environment – at the second edition of SANS RÉSERVE organised by COAL within the framework of Transformative Territories, on November 20, 2024 at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature.